Monday, February 22, 2010


  It's those invisible barriers that tell us we aren't good enough to achieve our dreams.   Or worse that we don't deserve it.  I constantly catch myself with head trash in the form of excuses, doubts, or fear.  What's your head trash?  Post as many as you can think of in the comments below.


  1. I say well yours is different from mine, I can't do that because...
    I'm afraid people will think I'm bragging if I post good things about my pictures
    I fear that if I tell people my techniques they will get better than me, it's a scarcity fear and I don't need it!
    I don't want to post too often on facebook or I will get annoying
    I have trouble asking for help
    I fear failure
    I procrastinate...
    Well that's my start, not an easy thing to do, but it's out there. Now I have to own it.

  2. I fear failure
    I tell myself I didn't do the best job I could on a project....headtrash x 100

  3. I fear losing control of my business name or having someone come in and ruin my business. I am working on that fear though, and it is running my business decisions less these days. (=
